BFE Free Videos

Body Fix Exercises' free YouTube videos have had more than 25,000,000 views on YouTube. Covering every part of the body, they teach you to understand, prevent, and improve musculo-skeletal issues at home with little or no equipment.

Stefan is known for videos that cut to the chase and get straight down to business.
How To Fix Bad Neck Posture

It’s important to fix bad neck posture not only for aesthetics, but for the swathe of very common health issues that come with it—neck pain, upper back pain, arm pain, headaches, dizziness, arm numbness etc. (You could go on forever.) But with the right posture exercises, an awareness of the causes of forward head posture, […]

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The Best Rhomboid Pain Exercises

A lot of people with shoulder blade pain, search for Rhomboid Pain Exercises assuming their pain is coming from the Rhomboid muscle. However, it’s actually much more likely to be referred pain from joints in the lower neck, or the rib joints. So, in this video I discuss the two most common causes of this […]

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