Understand, Prevent, Improve

Get back to your best and be healthy again


What is Body Fix Exercises?

Many common musculo-skeletal problems can be avoided by either strengthening, stretching, or mobilising key parts of the body. (And understanding the causes.)

These problems include:
  • Poor posture
  • Neck pain and tightness
  • Upper or lower back pain
  • Shoulder impingement & tendinopathy
  • Arm pain & sciatica
  • Hip and gluteal pain
With the right knowledge, people can prevent the majority of these issues and save themselves a lot of pain and anguish.

With Body Fix Exercises, I aim to help people UNDERSTAND, PREVENT & and IMPROVE these problems.

If you're proactive and want to be the best physical version of yourself, check out my upcoming coaching program: I help people with posture related issues—like neck, shoulder, & upper back pain—discover their root problem and correct it using science-backed mobilising, stretching, & strengthening exercises… so they can feel straight, strong, flexible, & pain free again, and get back to doing what they love.
Free Video & PDF Worksheet...

"The 3 ESSENTIAL exercises EVERYONE should do"
3 essential exercises book and video
Prevent some of the most common musculo-skeletal issues with 3 simple exercises.

About Stefan

Stefan Becker Chiropractor Portrait

Stefan Becker

B.App.Sc. (Chiropractic)
Stefan has been a chiropractor for over 30 years.

He's always been a bit obsessed with exercise and fascinated with what you can do to fix yourself.

Stefan firmly believes that if you're proactive, you can prevent the common ailments that plague people in modern society.

In 2019 he decided to help people who didn't have access to musculoskeletal professional help... and Body Fix Exercises was born.

Feel straight, strong, flexible, & pain free again

Over 35 Million Views on YouTube

Thank You for relieving 40 years of pain. The exercises work!

V Dub

Thank you so much! I have been trying to fix this area for 10 years and these are the most effective exercises I have ever done. Thank you again.


Better than everything I learned in two years of physical therapy. Changed my life.

Bren Bertozzi


Preventercise - Preventative Exercises Program


The exercise routine to prevent the most common musculo-skeletal problems
Shoulder function exercise program

Bulletproof Shoulders

The system to your shoulders functioning properly and keeping them that way.
Be Proactive With Your Musculoskeletal Health
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